Please take note! For mod developers working with Unreal Tournament 2003, this documentation is meant to be a starting point for your own explorations into UT2003, not a definitive guide. There will be differences between the documentation here and the product in your hands, and you may have to figure out quite a bit for yourself. Check out the Unreal Tournament 2003 page in the Unreal Powered area for links to community sites if you're having problems. UDN is a licensee support site, and cannot provide technical support or game-specific assistance to end users.
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Interested in the Unreal engine? Check out the licensing page.
Questions about UDN itself? Contact the UDN Staff.
Here is where you'll find all the deep, detailed, interesting information on working with the engine in a technical fashion: from building your own game or mod, to networking or rendering specifications, if it's not content-specific, it's in here.
- A page describing the phonetic alignment stuff that will be used for lip-syncing can be found at PhonemeRecognition.
- A page describing how to set up Doxygen to support Unreal's particular variant of C++ is online at DoxygenSupport.
- A new version of the HardwareShaders code is now up along with a tutorial for using it at UsingHardwareShaders.
- PawnAnimation, a tutorial and sample character animation system is now available
- The new UDN programmable shader support code is availible for download at HardwareShaders.
- New code drop! Check out the CodeDrop2110 page for the latest!
- With licensing issues sorted out, the InGameMovies doc is finally live! If you're looking to MakeYourOwnMoviePlayback, don't write another line of code, and check out UDN's RoQ codec integration, as well as optional Bink support!
- PathingImprovements, contributed by the DevastationTeam, includes several enhancements to the pathnode system, including being able to more easily break paths, and decreasing path generation time!
- AsyncFilePackage shows how to create native packages, classes, etc.
- CameraEffects shows how to use pixel shaders in CameraEffect classes.
- WhatBuildAreYouUsing, a table showing what build you're currently using, and if you plan to upgrade or not. Influence us!
- CodeDrop927, the latest and greatest is here! Find out where to get it, what it's got, and what's in store for the future.
- LicenseeFileExtensions, a list of map file extensions and Gamespy unique game strings in use by licensees, to prevent file conflicts.
- LicenseeCodePool, an effort to promote more code sharing & reuse among Unreal licensees.
If you create or update a doc, please make sure you sign the top of the page you edited (last updated by yourname), and mark your edit here, so everyone can go and check out your changes.