Sniper's Paradise!
Ok, for this tutorial I'll show you how to code a near-perfect pipebomb cannon and a pipebomb. The whole thing is relatively simple so I'll just go straight into the basics with the code.
For the weapon, we'll have it fire out multiple pipebombs and have alt-fire detonate them. Here's the code for the weapon complete with comments:
class PipebombCannon expands TournamentWeapon;
var bool bAlreadyFiring;
// Don't really need this but I'm a lefty so it's nice to see a left handed model :-) function setHand(float Hand) { Super.SetHand(Hand); if ( Hand == 1 ) Mesh = mesh(DynamicLoadObject("Botpack.PulseGunL", class'Mesh')); else Mesh = mesh'PulseGunR'; }
// Could use rateself but the bots didn't use the gun right
function PlayFiring() // Plays the firing animation { Owner.PlaySound(FireSound, SLOT_Misc,2.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim( 'Boltend', 0.3 ); bWarnTarget = (FRand() < 0.2);
function AltFire( float Value ) // This is the main core of the gun { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; local Pipebomb PB; ForEach AllActors(class'PipeBomb', PB) // Calls all pipebomb actors { // Used settimer() because Explosion() blows player up PB.Settimer(0.000001, false); } // Necessary otherwise the gun gets jammed GoToState('AltFiring2'); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Normal projectile stuff state NormalFire { function Projectile ProjectileFire(class ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn) { local Projectile D; local int i; local vector Start,X,Y,Z; local Rotator StartRot, AltRotation;
D = Global.ProjectileFire(ProjClass, ProjSpeed, bWarn); StartRot = D.Rotation; Start = D.Location; // Try changing 4 to 15 for ultimate carnage for (i = 0; i< 4; i++) { if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { AltRotation = StartRot; AltRotation.Pitch += FRand()*3000-1500; AltRotation.Yaw += FRand()*3000-1500; AltRotation.Roll += FRand()*9000-4500; D = Spawn(ProjectileClass,,, Start - 2 * VRand(), AltRotation); } } }
Begin: FinishAnim(); PlayAnim('Still'); Sleep(0.4); // Turns the pulsegun barrel at the end of firing PlayPostSelect(); Finish() }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This just makes sure that the gun doesn't jam up state AltFiring2 { function EndState() { Finish(); }
function AnimEnd() { Finish(); }
Begin: GotoState('Idle'); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// function PlayIdleAnim() { PlayAnim('Still'); }
defaultproperties { AmmoName=Class'Botpack.PAmmo' PickupAmmoCount=40 bAltWarnTarget=True FireOffset=(X=15.000000,Y=-15.000000,Z=2.000000) ProjectileClass=Class'Pipebomb' AltProjectileClass=Class'Botpack.Plasmasphere'br> shakemag=120.000000 AIRating=0.400000 RefireRate=0.800000 FireSound=Sound'UnrealShare.ASMD.TazerFire' SelectSound=Sound'Botpack.PulseGun.PulsePickup' Misc1Sound=Sound'UnrealShare.Stinger.EndFire' DeathMessage="%o was boomed by %k's %w" AutoSwitchPriority=6 InventoryGroup=6 PickupMessage="You picked up the Pipebomb cannon" ItemName="Pipebomb cannon" PlayerViewOffset=(X=1.700000,Z=-2.000000) PlayerViewMesh=LodMesh'Botpack.PulseGunR' PickupViewMesh=LodMesh'Botpack.PulsePickup' ThirdPersonMesh=LodMesh'Botpack.PulseGun3rd' ThirdPersonScale=0.400000 PickupSound=Sound'UnrealShare.Pickups.WeaponPickup' Mesh=LodMesh'Botpack.PulsePickup' bNoSmooth=False SoundRadius=64 SoundVolume=255 CollisionRadius=27.000000 CollisionHeight=8.000000 }
Ok, so as you can see, altfire is where the real difference is. Now all we need is a pipebomb. Here's the code, the projectile doesn't have to be anything special:
class Pipebomb expands Projectile;
var bool bCanHitOwner, bHitWater; var float Count, SmokeRate; var ScriptedPawn WarnTarget; var int NumExtraGrenades;
simulated function PostBeginPlay() { local vector X,Y,Z; local rotator RandRot;
Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) PlayAnim('WingIn'); //This'll take a while to blow up SetTimer(999999+FRand()*1,false);
if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { GetAxes(Instigator.ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Velocity = X * (Instigator.Velocity Dot X)*0.4 + Vector(Rotation) * (Speed + FRand() * 100); Velocity.z += 210; RandRot.Pitch = FRand() * 1400 - 700; RandRot.Yaw = FRand() * 1400 - 700; RandRot.Roll = FRand() * 1400 - 700; MaxSpeed = 1000; Velocity = Velocity >> RandRot; RandSpin(50000); bCanHitOwner = False; if (Instigator.HeadRegion.Zone.bWaterZone) { bHitWater = True; Disable('Tick'); Velocity=0.6*Velocity; } } }
simulated function ZoneChange( Zoneinfo NewZone ) { local waterring w; if (!NewZone.bWaterZone || bHitWater) Return;
bHitWater = True; w = Spawn(class'WaterRing',,,,rot(16384,0,0)); w.DrawScale = 0.2; w.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; Velocity=0.6*Velocity; }
simulated function Timer() { // Try to use Explosion in the alt-fire and for some reason the owner blows up Explosion(Location+Vect(0,0,1)*16); }
simulated function Landed( vector HitNormal ) { HitWall( HitNormal, None ); }
simulated function ProcessTouch( actor Other, vector HitLocation ) { if ( (Other!=instigator) || bCanHitOwner ) Explosion(HitLocation); }
simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall ) { bCanHitOwner = True; // Reflect off Wall w/damping Velocity = 0.8*(( Velocity dot HitNormal ) * HitNormal * (-2.0) + Velocity); RandSpin(100000); speed = VSize(Velocity); if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, FMax(0.5, speed/800) ); if ( Velocity.Z > 400 ) Velocity.Z = 0.5 * (400 + Velocity.Z); else if ( speed < 20 ) { bBounce = False; SetPhysics(PHYS_None); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function BlowUp(vector HitLocation) { // Basic damage stuff HurtRadius(damage, 200, 'corroded', MomentumTransfer, HitLocation); MakeNoise(1.0); }
simulated function Explosion(vector HitLocation) { local UT_FlameExplosion s;
BlowUp(HitLocation); s = spawn(class'UT_FlameExplosion',,,HitLocation); Spawn(Class'UT_Ringexplosion'); s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; Destroy(); }
defaultproperties { speed=600.000000 MaxSpeed=1000.000000 Damage=90.000000 MomentumTransfer=50000 ImpactSound=Sound'UnrealShare.ASMD.TazerFire' Physics=PHYS_Falling RemoteRole=ROLE_SimulatedProxy AnimSequence=WingIn Texture=Texture'Botpack.ASMDAlt.ASMDAlt_a00' DrawScale=0.400000 DrawType=DT_Sprite Style=STY_Translucent AmbientGlow=64 bUnlit=True bBounce=True bFixedRotationDir=True DesiredRotation=(Pitch=12000,Yaw=5666,Roll=2334) }
Ok, so basically what we have is a pulsegun that fires out a bunch of pipebombs. You can then use alt-fire to detonate them prematurely. This can probably be improved, for example there's no code to distinquish the owner of the pipebombs. So in theory any pipebombs on the level shot by anybody can be blown up. However this is just a simple example of a pipebomb weapon. Hope it helps.
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