Sniper's Paradise!

Operators in UnrealScript

This page will attempt to explain the basic facts about operators that are needed in order to get started. For a more in depth explanation when you are more confident with UnrealScript you can simply search the Unreal Wiki or UDN for any topics about operators.

“An operator is used to perform a specific operation on a set of operands in an expression.”O’Reilly, C++ Pocket Reference.

Here is a list of the most commonly used operators. As a beginner, you need only understand the following in order to get started coding. The full set of opeartors are defined in the Object class.

Operator Relevant Variable Type Description
@ string Joins two strings together with a space
@= string Joins two strings together with a space and assign
$ string Joins two strings together
$= string Joins two strings together and assign
*= byte, int, float, vector, rotator Multiply and assign
/= byte, int, float, vector, rotator Divide and assign
+= byte, int, float, vector Add and assign
-= byte, int, float, vector Subtract and assign
|| bool Logical OR
&& bool Logical AND
= all Assign, example: intA = intB
== all Comparison, example: does intA == intB?
< byte, int, float, string Less than
> byte, int, float, string Greater than
<= byte, int, float, string Less than or equal to
>= byte, int, float, string Greater than or equal to
~= float, string Approximately equal, within 0.0001 for float, case-insensitive for strings.
+ byte, int, float, vector Add
- byte, int, float, vector Subtract
* byte, int, float, vector, rotator Multiply
/ byte, int, float, vector, rotator Divide
! bool Logical NOT, example 1: boolA = !boolB (boolA equals NOT boolb), example 2: if(!boolA) (if boolA is false)
++ byte, int, rotator sub-variables Increment by 1, can be used before or after the variable
byte, int, rotator sub-variables Decrement by 1, can be used before or after the variable

Note – UnrealScript is not case sensitive.

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