Sniper's Paradise!

[Players Guide to Unreal Netcode]


1. Introduction
2. Internet basics
3. Basic Unreal stats and settings
4. Advanced stats
5. Server configuration
6. Advanced netcode
7. Credits + Contact

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1. Introduction:

This guide tries to explain how Unreal works online, what ping and lag mean and generally how things work and what can (and cannot) be told from the various statistics offered by Unreal. It is meant for everyone from average online player to large scale server admin. However, you don't have to worry if you dont understand everything - most of it wont be needed if you just want to play (if it was, how could you have played for so long without it? ;)). Actually (as I find out while writing it) it's probably far too much to read if you don't really care, anyway. ;)

But if you always wanted to know if your server is lagging because of cpu overload or why that rocket can explode in your opponents face without hurting him, this will give you the answers.

Some of the facts in this guide are much discussed these days, so to be sure to get everything right, I verified with people who really know Unreal. In most cases this was Mongo (known to some as the maintainer of RA:Unreal) who modified the Unreal netcode for the UW engine - I doubt there is anyone knowing Unreal netcode better than him outside from Epic. So unless explicitly stated as not known for certain, you can take the information here for granted.

2. Internet basics >>

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