Sniper's Paradise

Dedicated Unreal Server

A dedicated server, is a server that does nothing else but control internet multiplayer gameplay. No graphics are output, so no one can play on that machine directly. This has the advantage that the server PC is not "bogged" up wasting resouces on useless display updates. Furthermore it's fairer to players that connect to the machine, since a player sitting in front of the server will effectively have no latency (lag). So you can see there are good reasons for running an Unreal server in dedicated mode.

Launching a Dedicated Unreal Server

Here is an "rather complete" command line example of how to launch a dedicated server (note everything has to be typed in "one" line!):

   <path to Unreal\>Unreal.exe <StartMap\>.unr 
                               PORT=<PortN > 

   c:\Unreal\Unreal.exe DmFith.unr PORT=7777 LOG=dm.log READINI=Server.ini -server
Step by step explaination of each parameter:

Path to Unreal
Command <path to Unreal\> (or batch file, or alias), tells where you have installed your copy of Unreal and where the Unreal.exe resides.

Map Choice on Startup
When starting a server you can specify a map on startup <StartMap\>.unr.

In most cases you will want to run a Death Match game. Check out your Unreal\System\Unreal.ini to find the list of maps that will be running on your server:
Default DM List (DmAriza, DmCurse, DmDeathFan, DmDeck16, DmElSinore, DmFith, DmHealPod, DmMorbias, DmRadikus, DmTundra).

Port Number
You can run more than one instance of Unreal.exe on your server. For example one instance might run a "DeathMatchGame" and another a "Coop" game. Since both instances are running on the same machine, both will have the same IP (Internet address e.g. To be able to discern both instances you will have to provide different PORT=<PortN > numbers. The default port number is 7777. In the above example you might pick the port numbers 7777 and 7778.

Log Files
You can divert all the console output the dedicated server provides into a file. With LOG=<LogName> you can specify the name of this log file. When running several instances of Unreal.exe you can then also output the info to different log files. Note these logs might really be interesting to provide the data for Statistics Programs.

Main Unreal Config File:
Unreal uses the Unreal\System\Unreal.ini file to "save" and "remember" all its settings. For admins it's important to put together a .ini file that will do what you want. E.g. set: Server Password, Game Mode, Maps, Frag- & Timelimit etc...

Once you have put together your own config file to run a e.g. DM Server you can "execute" this file on server startup with READINI=<Inifile>.ini, to ensure that everything is working the way you want.
Note READINI= only reads the .ini file, this file will not be changed after you shut down the server. Note that usually when you quit Unreal, the .ini is overwritten and thus updated. If you want the latter to happen then use INI=. When running several servers this certainly is not what you want, so READINI= certainly is for admins.

Dedicated Mode
Finally to ensure that your server will run in dedicated mode you will have to set the parameter -server. As said before this allocates all resources to the multiplayer game control, instead of wasting it on display updates.

Setting up Your own Server.ini File

There are 2 ways to edit Unreals main configuration file Unreal\System\Unreal.ini.. via Main Menu Options/Advanced Options or in a text editor. If using the menu, after shutting down Unreal all the menu settings will be saved in the Unreal.ini file.

Setting Advanced Server Options via Menus
Run Unreal.exe, Open up the "Advanced Options" window (from the main menu, Options/Advanced Options), then open up "Game Types / Deathmatch Game" (or whatever type of game you want to modify). Here, you will see all of the advanced server options, which apply to the game type (DeathmatchGame, CoopGame, TeamGame, etc). Below are some of the variables:

AdminPasswordAdministrator password; only accepted if bAllowRemoteAdmin is True.
AutoAimMaximum allowable auto aiming amount for helping players who aren't using MouseLook. 1.0 (default) means no Autoaim and 0.0 means 100% autoaiming e.g. you can't miss ;)
bAllowRemoteAdminWhether to allow remote administration.
bCoopWeaponModeWeapons behave as in coop play each player can get them once per life, no respawning.
bHumansOnlyDon't allow non-humans to play, such as SkaarjTroopers.
bLowGoreReduced blood.
bMuteSpectatorsDon't allow spectators to chat with players.
bNoFriendlyFirePrevents people from hurting their team members by shooting them.
bNoMonstersNo monsters in gameplay.
bSharewareIndicates whether you're running a shareware server.
DifficultyDifficulty level, affects bots.
FragLimitSwitches levels after this many frags; 0 means never switch based on frags.
GameSpeedMultiplies the game speed; 1.0 means normal speed. 0.5 means half-speed, 2.0 means twice normal speed.
InitialBotsHow many bots to have during play.
MaxPlayersMaximum players allowed in the level.
MaxSpectatorsMaximum spectators allowed in the level (default is 2).
TimeLimitHow many minutes to play before switching levels. 0 means never switch based on time.

Note for remote administration you will have to set AdminPassword and bAllowRemoteAdmin. Since by default the Death Match levels are played in a loop it's a good idea to set the FragLimit to 35 or something. This means that after 35 frags the next map will be loaded. You might also want to set the TimeLimit to something like 45. Finally set MaxPlayers to something like 16 (on a 10MBit connection and a Pentium II this ought to be ok, the upper limit seems to be around 32 for a system like that).


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