Creatures may be able to walk over any opening up to 3X their CollisionRadius. If you want something to definitely fall in, or not be able to cross without jumping, make it bigger than this. Also, make sure that most hallways, and particularly intersections and corners are at least
(4 x CollisionRadius + 10) of the largest creature you want to navigate it (so that two creatures won't get hung up with each other. Ideally, hallways should be at least 6x the CollisionRadius of the largest creature which may navigate it.
Also WarpZones should be at least 70 units deep ideally to allow the AI to handle them properly.
Creatures that have not engaged an enemy can be triggered by a trigger whose event equals the creatures tag. Creatures that are triggered will make whatever instigated the trigger their enemy.
You can use this to have creatures ignore the player until a certain event happens, such as crossing some threshold (using ATTITUDE_Ignore)
- if bHateWhenTriggered is true, the creature will change its attitude to hate the instigator. Creatures will also trigger their event when they die.
You can use triggers in conjunction with bDelayedPatrol to cause a creature to start a scripted set of actions when triggered by the player
(without noticing the player).
TT_PawnProximity will allow any pawn, not just players to use the trigger. TT_ClassProximity will only allow actors of the class ClassProximityType to use the trigger.
For example, you might make a certain switch only operable by a Nali. Also, triggers with type TT_Shoot now also have an optional
DamageThreshold value. This is the minimum damage required for triggering (instantaneous, not cumulative). The optional attribute
ReTriggerDelay specifies the minimum time before a trigger can be triggered again.
RepeatTriggerTime, if set to a value greater than zero, causes the trigger to send out its event at an interval of RepeatTriggerTime seconds while the triggering actor remains within the trigger's radius.
The EarthQuake keypoint can be triggered to shake the player's view for a specified duration, as well as possibly tossing players around. It has no effect on other actors. To simultaneously toss around other actors, use the ThrowStuff keypoint. Earthquake attributes are:
magnitude: Specifies the amount to roll the player's view, and the amount to throw him if bThrowPlayer is true. A magnitude of 2000
is a pretty strong quake.
duration: Time in seconds quake lasts.
radius: Radius for which players are affected. A player who goes beyond the radius will continue to have his view shaken for the duration of the quake, but he will no longer get thrown around.
bThrowPlayer: If true, players are thrown around during the quake.
The ThrowStuff keypoint can be used to cause actors whose tag matches the ThrowStuff keypoint's event to be tossed using the
vector specified in throwVect. If Numthrows is larger than 1, the actors will be thrown again after the specified interval.
If bRandomize is true, the throwVect will be randomly altered for every toss. Having Numthrows > 1 and bRandomize can be useful for making
stuff get tossed around during an earthquake. Other potential uses for a ThrowStuff keypoint include launching a creature in a specified
direction when triggered by the player, or turning the physics on of actors when a brush they are on tips and you want them to
slide/fall off (in this case, use a ThrowVect of (0,0,0), and they will just be set to falling).
When triggered, this keypoint makes all Nali in the level friendly. This is useful for cases when the player may have scared the nali
previously, or to set up situations where the Nali will reward the player after he does something (such as killing a skaarj which was
threatening the Nali).
When triggered, this trigger makes the triggering creature jump in the direction it is pointing. It can be limited to trigger once only, or to only
affect a certain class of creatures. The Jumper trigger has a JumpZ variable which specifies how high the triggered creature should jump
(giving you control over where it lands).
This trigger causes creatures to avoid an area (not perfectly). If you use this, make sure there are also no paths going through the
area you want them to avoid. The FearSpot keypoint has a bInitiallyActive attribute, which can be turned on and off by triggering it.
Two new booleans have been added to Movers. bUseTriggered indicates that the brush is activated by a player doing a use (exec grab) on it.
bDamageTriggered indicates that damage to the brush will trigger it. The optional attribute DamageThreshold specifies the minimum
(instantaneous, not cumulative) damage needed to trigger a
bDamageTriggered brush.
Mover bump types are now supported, specifying which types of actors can trigger a mover by bumping it (for movers which are activated
by bumping).
By default, all the movers with the same tag will return or stop if one returns or stops because of encroachment. To prevent all the movers
with the same tag from acting this way, you can divide them into sub-groups using the ReturnGroup attribute.
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