Sniper's Paradise!

Running Custom Skins on your Server

How do I run custom skins on my server?

To run custom skins on your server you will need to either create the custome skin texture, download it or been given it from a player who would like you to install it on your server so that they can use it.

Next you will need to install the custome texture/skin in the Unreal/Texture folder.

Once you have it installed you will need to edit your "Unreal.ini" file found in your Unreal/System folder. Go to the section in your .ini named "[Engine.GameEngine]" . You can find it by searching for "gameengine" Be sure to back up your file before editing the file.

At it end of the "[Engine.GameEngine]" section add a line named "ServerPackages="name of file"

"the name of file" will be the name of your custom skin.

If, for example, your skin package is named "Female1MySkins", then the new line should read:


This will cause the server to load the package, and allow clients who also have this package to use the custom skins.

NOTE: This is also how you add Weapons and Player Models. The player or client will download any file you add to your serverpackage.

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