KAT's Mouse Controls -------------------- KAT's mouse controls are admittedly a little idiosyncratic. They were designed to eliminate the need for separate modes for camera movement, translation, rotation, etc. Using all three mouse buttons together with ctrl, shift and alt, they can take a few minutes to get used to, but once learned prove very productive. Note that to properly control KAT, you need a middle mouse button. On a wheel-mouse, this is mapped to pressing the wheel. Note that many mouse drivers map the middle button to some other function, and if you are using one of these, it is recommended that you remove this mapping whilst you operate KAT. ------------- 1> The Camera ------------- The camera is controlled using the RIGHT mouse button and the WHEEL. In a perspective or ortho view: Right-drag: Rotate view (around look-at point) Shift-Right-Drag: Pan view (move look-at point) In all other (fixed angle) views: Right-drag: Pan view (move look-at point) In all views: Control-Right-Drag: Zoom view (move camera away from/towards look-at point) MouseWheel: Zoom view Ctrl-MouseWheel: Zoom view (large increments) Shift-MouseWheel: Zoom view (small increments) There are a couple of useful shortcuts not on the right button: Double-Left-Click on Object: Centre view on object Control-Double-Left-Click on Object: Centre all views on object -------------------- 2> Selecting Objects -------------------- The current selection is changed with the LEFT mouse button. Left-Click not on Object: Deselect all Left-Click on Object: Select single object Control-Left-Click on Object: Toggle object's state Left-Drag not starting on selected Object: Area selection Control-Left-Drag: Area add to selection Shift-Left-Drag: Area remove from selection ------------------------------- 3> Translating (Moving) Objects ------------------------------- Translation operates only on the currently selected objects, and is subject to the value of Linear Snap and enabled Translation axes (the X,Y and Z buttons on the toolbar). Note that the X,Y,Z buttons refer to the axes in the current reference frame specified on the far left of the toolbar. This makes it possible, for example, to only allow translation in an object's local x axis, or to prevent movement in the world's Y axis. Good use of these settings together with Linear Snap can enable you to easily and accurately position components without the use of the transform type-in dialog (toggled by key F6). Left-Drag starting on selected Object: Move (translate) selected objects Middle-Drag (anywhere): Move (translate) selected objects ------------------- 4> Rotating Objects ------------------- Rotation always uses the ALT modifier. The rotation axis and the frame in which it is interpreted is specified on the toolbar (the rX,rY,rZ buttons). The centre of rotation is implied by the reference frame. Alt-Left-Drag starting on selected Object: Rotate selected objects Alt-Middle-Drag: Rotate selected objects MouseWheel with Alt-Left Button down: Cycle rotation axes When rotating in the world reference frame, it is possible to move the world origin. This is done by Alt-Right-Click to toggle on the origin graphic (a magenta sphere) and then Alt-Left-Dragging (not starting on the graphic) to move it. This is not recommended in normal use. --------------------------------- 5> Joint Limits and Inertia Boxes --------------------------------- Joint limits and inertia boxes are altered by dragging their limit handles (displayed as square points). These handles are manipulated directly with the LEFT button, and cannot be selected. Left-Drag on Handle: Drag the handle Ctrl-Middle-Drag on Handle: Drags a handle, even if it is behind /inside an object Shift-Drag on Handle: Depends on object. Normally performs action on multiple handles (eg symmetric scaling) ---------------------- 6> Simulation Controls ---------------------- When the simulation is running in a viewport, the mouse operates what is called an RPRO constraint. This allows simulated parts to be dragged around. Left-Drag on Part: Translate the part. This is NOT subject to the X,Y, Z constraint on the toolbar. Alt-Left-Drag on Part: Rotate the part about current rX,rY or rZ about the local origin, but world axis. The Mouse Parameters dialog (toggled by key F5) allows the RPRO strengths to be altered. This effectively changes how much force you apply to an object as you drag it in the simulation. If you are working with large masses, then you may find you have to increase these values to be able to move anything. ---------------- 7> Context Menus ---------------- There are three different types of context menu in KAT's viewports. Viewport Configuration Menu: This allows you to change the settings of the viewport, such as toggling wireframe, setting the view type (angle) or enabling the viewport for simulation. It also includes the View-Mode menu (see below). If nothing is selected, this menu may appear when a viewport is right-clicked, but can be forced to appear with Ctrl-Right-Click. View-Mode Menu: The view-mode determines what information is displayed, and what can be edited in that viewport. It is one of the most important concepts in KAT. The name of the current view-mode is displayed in the top-left corner of a viewport when the cursor is moved near the top of that viewport. When in that area, right-clicking will display the view-mode menu. Note that the number keys on the keyboard are bound as shortcuts to these modes. Genuine Context Menu: This is depend, obviously, on context. It will be displayed with a simple right-click away from the top of a viewport where the view-mode menu is available. --------------------- 8> Random Other Stuff --------------------- There are probably a few combinations that I've forgotten. You might also like to know that wherever Alt is specified, Ctrl-Shift can be used instead. There are a few tolerances that you might like to tweak that can be found in the defaults.kat script located in the KAT/scripts directory. Edit with care :) -- http://www.mathengine.com/kat/